Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Call of Duty: Black Ops/Template 1 (Version 4.0)

1. Hundreds of guys vs 4 (we fixed the infinite respawn problem, so it's all cool now)

2. Follow until the leader stops moving for some reason and then you're supposed to move up and take charge all of a sudden.

3. Stealthily kill between 3 and 6 enemies before you are discovered/outnumbered. Standard fighting against regular guys commences.

4. Explosion/non-interactive event leads to blurry fall, disorientation, regain composure/awareness just in time to: get saved by ally, save ally with handgun, run to escaping vehicle, or get beat up by non-ally.

5. Shoot regular guys until: mounted machine gun, enemy vehicle, or heavy fire from structure occurs. Proceed to pick up explosive ordnance conveniently lying on the ground and blow it up. Resume shooting regular guys.

6. Enter vehicle. Blow up other vehicles and regular guys until vehicle is destroyed.

7. See Step 4.

8. Listen to stupidly stereotypical bad guys (probability: 45% Russian, 45% German, 10% Asian) speak perfect English in stupidly stereotypical accents. Note: If bad guy is Asian, perfect English requirement is lifted. Stupidly stereotypical accent still applies.

9. Enter the Matrix temporarily and shoot guys. Quickly leave the Matrix.

10. Apply list to next mission.

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