Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Information overkill is here. Communication and technology advances have made it so that anyone, anywhere, can know precisely what is going on with regards to practically any subject. Is this good or bad? Certainly the existence of so many possible opinions can open up many more avenues of discussion. Any online news gatherer will have countless reports on any one story. Not to mention all the new voices brought about by online forums, blogs etc. All these different sources can contain radically different opinions. But then comes the issue of where you pay attention. Do you try and find a single service that you feel is reliable, informative and unbiased? Or do you scan from site to site, thinking more about the general picture than any one specific author? Not to mention, in the era of everyone being able to say their piece, whose is really worth it? Let's face it, not everyone is an expert on the global food crisis or the recent Italian elections, myself included. However, it's funny how people who don't really understand the basics of an issue can help you perceive the particulars. So even in ignorance you find value. Other aspects include the lessening of local information mattering as much when we operate on such a global scale now and the saddening reality that even though more information is easily available, plenty of people are still greatly uninformed by choice or by extraneous circumstances. The amount of knowledge being released every day is completely exponential. This is one of a number of interesting 'problems' that have cropped up as we've hit stride in the twenty-first century. Right now we're in more of a transitional phase and it's likely by the time it's finished, I'll be dead. Maybe from info overload.

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